Thursday, June 3, 2010

omnibus 100

Last week, I attended my Close of Service conference in Quito. My training group came into Ecuador with over 30 volunteers and now in the final months of service we are a total of 23, which despite your initial thoughts, is really good....I attribute it to my really awesome PC friends and our tight niche group.

We had a full 3 days of seminars preparing us for our transition back to the guidance, grad school info, RPCV panels and medical exams. I have been one of the lucky ones who has only had amibas once and no other major health issues....others have had everything from worms to flesh eating diseases like Leishmaniasis. :/

The second night we were treated by Peace Corps to a fancy dinner where we received certificates, photos and listened to thoughtful speeches by staff.

Our last night, my group went out for wine and tapas and continued with the speeches and reminiscing, which gave people a chance to say things they have always wished they had said….funny FUNNY stories. (I was told by PC boys that I had a nice bootay. haha) good times. looking forward to our PC reunions state side.

FYI: My travel plans just got accepted by PC. Its official! I will be flying back to Colorado Sunday, August 14th. mark it in your calendars. :o)


MyUserNameIsNotUnique said...

I hope you mean the 15th of August ;) I can hardly wait!!! As for the boys loving your bootay, who can blame them?!!?

LauraV said...

I just wrote the date down. I have been nominated for Central/South America in February! I can't wait to see you and I agree, you have a very nice bootay.