Wednesday, May 27, 2009

working with all ages

My group of promoters for my Happy Heart program.
They are so pillas
The doctor from the health center came to give a presentation about Diabetes
Calculating B.M.I.
Conducting Glucose and Cholesterol exams for the community participants

Where we give our the Happy Heart Presentations in one of my work is far from corporate cubicle life
El Dia de Nino! Kids day in Ecuador!
We celebrated by having a march with all the elementary and high schools and then had a program in the center of town.
We made visers/hats and handed them out to the little kiddos who still had class.
Parade of kids
A youth group conference I helped put on about with Plan International. We did an activity were the teenagers had to pretend like they were on a radio program being interviewed as themselves but 10 years older. It was very interesting hearing the responses. Are you married? Do you have kids? What kind of career do you see yourself having?
How would you respond? Where do you see yourself in 10 years????????

1 comment:

AM said...

Hey there, don't knock "corporate cubicle" life too much. I actually find it quite enjoyable and exciting. There is something to be said for having creature comforts ;-)

Still- what you are doing in your communities is really admirable. It takes a special type of person to do your work.