Thursday, August 6, 2009

Women´s Empowerment

¨Mujeres Sanas, Mujeres Felices¨
I decided with all the PC trainees coming to my site, we had to take advantage and do something big for the community. Therefore, we planned a big Women´s Health Fair where we would focus on women´s empowerment. We decided to teach about breast cancer prevention, the Maternal Health Law, Heart Disease, give free pap smears,
vacinations, take blood pressure and calculate B.M.Is.
We had several different organizations particpate, and about 100 women from far away communities attended the grand event. A lot of plannning went into the project but I feel like everything went smoothly and everyone learned something new that me, that equals success.

Here are some of the photos from the health fair and the celebration we had afterwards with the PC trainees...Congrats to all the newbies on a job well done!
We had an awesome inspirtational speaker who taught the women the importance of getting to know their own bodies and building their self-esteem.
At the breast cancer prevention table, we were teaching how to give monthly self-exams.
The women practicing self-breast exams.
A women´s group who has started a mini-business by selling homemade yogurt, cheese, cafe, dulce de leche and artesenia.
SOLCA is an instiution that works towards the prevention of cancer, and they came out to perform pap smears for free for the women in my communities.
Me, Katty and Kris in front of the mobil clinc.
Working the welcome table
The PC trainees did a great job giving mini-presentations on the Maternal Health Law and Breast cancer prevention. They were so clever with their interactive games.The health center was also present giving out various vacinations to the women.
Nurse Katty is a rock star.
She is the one who performed all 80 of the pap smears in under 4 hrs.
I am so proud of my Happy Heart group who had a table where they took blood pressure and calculated B.M.I for all the women at the fair. They are so professional, and I love watching them teach the other women all that they have learned.
All the lovely volunteers that contributed to the Women´s Health Fair.
After our successful day of health presentations, I made sure to serve the newbies some of Manabi´s delicous traditional food.
Plan International, my counterpart organization, came out to my site to give a presentation to the PC trainees.
When all our work was complete, we headed off to the waterfalls!
Our hike to the waterfalls.
Usually the there is more water but rainy season was over...still very pretty though
The brave ones who decided to climb up to the top to get in the waterfall...mind you some were wearing flipflops but that didn´t stop them. Later, after the hike, we went to my friends farm to eat mandrin oranges and other fresh fruit! Good times!
In the evening, we went back to ¨La Finca,¨ a touristy spot in my site, where the volunteers stayed the night in bamboo cabanas. We had a big BBQ dinner with grilled fish, chicken and garlic shrimp! Soooo tasty!
Then, the dancing began.....we had to introduce the newbies to ¨La Hora Loca¨
This is the group that lasted the full hour of dancing. Bravo chicos!
It was fun having all the PC trainees out to my site, and I feel like they got a lot out of the experience. I hope they enjoyed everything Manabi has to offer and will come back to visit very soon!
Many people were speaking highly about my site and saying how awesome it is, and I truly do feel lucky. I hope this will help convince YOU to come out and see its amazingness too!

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