The new PC trainees came to visit Manabi for a tech trip. So, needless to say, 15-20 tall, white people walking around the towns drew a lot of attention.
The PC group started their trip at Kristen´s site where we all put on a health fair in the high school. We worked with over 900 students teaching them about nutrition, healthy life styles and HIV/Aids prevention. The kids were fun to work with but drained all of our energy by the end of the day.
Health Fair team
The PC group started their trip at Kristen´s site where we all put on a health fair in the high school. We worked with over 900 students teaching them about nutrition, healthy life styles and HIV/Aids prevention. The kids were fun to work with but drained all of our energy by the end of the day.
Adorable Stacia...good PC buddy who is extending her service to stay another year! Yay!
¨Salta por tu corazon!¨
To promote exercise and healthy living, we had several intense jump rope contests.
The activity reminded me of my elementary school days with ¨Jump Rope for Heart.¨
Stacia was the lucky one to explain the activity.
Kristen encouraging the girls to join in on the jump rope contest. The fair was a hit and all our tireless hours of planning the fair paid off.
Right when I got back from the States, an American Christian ministry group came out and put on a medical brigade in my site. It was really rewarding for my community. Lets just say, I had lots of translating to do.
After the brigade, I took them out on the lake for a canoe ride so they could see they beauty of my incredible site. It was nice to have visitors...hint hint. :)
The Medical Brigade in the Elementary School. Some of the people even received new glasses!
Hanging out with Alvin and Maria Belin at the medical brigade...they are some of my favortie neighbor kids
Later in the week, we had a community baile and danced until 4a.m.
¨Don´t worry, Be happy!¨
My friends are taking an English course at the university where they had to learn an English song and perform it in front of the class. After they chose the song ¨Don´t worry, Be happy,¨ I had fun working with them teaching the lyrics and helping with pronounciation. They did such an amazing job. I loved how they decided to dress-up for the performance.
¨In every life we have some trouble
But when you worry you made it double
Don´t worry, be happy.
Don´t worry, be happy.¨
To promote exercise and healthy living, we had several intense jump rope contests.
The activity reminded me of my elementary school days with ¨Jump Rope for Heart.¨
Stacia was the lucky one to explain the activity.
2nd group of Americans visit Emaus:
After the brigade, I took them out on the lake for a canoe ride so they could see they beauty of my incredible site. It was nice to have visitors...hint hint. :)
Random photos:
My friends are taking an English course at the university where they had to learn an English song and perform it in front of the class. After they chose the song ¨Don´t worry, Be happy,¨ I had fun working with them teaching the lyrics and helping with pronounciation. They did such an amazing job. I loved how they decided to dress-up for the performance.
¨In every life we have some trouble
But when you worry you made it double
Don´t worry, be happy.
Don´t worry, be happy.¨
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