President Rafael Correa
( I just liked his hat in this photo)No more…. honking cars with megaphones spewing out political jingles…random street parties/ campaigns with loud music…traffic backed up for miles with cars waiting to receive free bleach, fertilizer and bumper stickers….houses painted with bright colored political slogans…building walls plastered with campaign posters….yes, it was an exciting yet tiresome time, and it has finally come to an end.
Sunday was Election Day. The campaigns started very early this year. In the beginning everything was fun and interesting, and I was intrigued by the way Ecuador conducts campaigns. Many of the candidates made house-to-house visits and even special trips out to my rural community. (A little different approach when everyone of age is required to vote.)
However, just like in the U.S., by the time Election Day comes, everyone has been bombarded by so much political propaganda that it is a relief when all the hype is over.
I do have to say though; I saw the most progress made on certain government projects that have been idle for months, like street construction, during the campaigns. I just hope that development continues, and we don’t have to wait for the next election season.
Rafael Correa was re-elected as president. Ecuador has had over 10 presidents in the last 10 years but Correa is changing that streak. My local government will also remain the same. The mayor is very popular in my community and will continue to serve for another term. So, no major changes in my area.
Viva Manabi!
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