Spending time with the girls. We celebrated my World Teach friend, Irena’s, birthday Ecuadorian style by going out dancing.

Traveling by canoe

Summer camp for the kids in my community. The summer camp was focused on building self-esteem and self-empowerment. My favorite session was when we had someone from my community dress up as a mago, wizard/magician. He told them to close their eyes and to imagine all their dreams. The children drew pictures of their hopes and dreams, and then the mago passed a wand over their heads and granted all their dreams. All the kids were glowing that day and had such big aspirations.

To finish off our summer camp, we had a party for all the parents to come see all the kids work. The kids were so proud. We had made puppets, and these two adorable boys put on a fabulous show. It was good experience working with the kids, even if I was completely exhausted after every session.

My PC friend Chris came up to the coast to visit me with his friends from the States. The boys made a scrumptious calamari dinner. I beg to differ with the Ecuadorians who say men don’t belong in the kitchen. Mira estes chicos que son expertos en la cocnina.

Close up of the fresh squid
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