HIV prevention work in the high schools

Peace Corps trained us PCV in Guayaquil a couple of months ago in HIV prevention, and my counterpart and I have now completed the Cuanto Sabes de VIH y SIDA program in 3 different high schools in my communities. It's been really well received, and we have been invited by high schools all over the area to implement the program in their communty.

The project is super interactive and the best part about it is we trained 20 peer educators and they are the ones that put on the workshops. It has been awesome to see the peer educators grow into their own and confidently give presentations to their classmates on a topic that is usually considered taboo and not easy to talk about.

Victoria VIH is a traveling doll that my HIV task force group came up with that is being passed around from volunteer to volunteer to promote HIV education throughout the country. I was the lucky 1st person to host Victoria in my site. She participated in my Cuanto Sabes project and paseared mucho in my site.

She couldn't leave my site without eating some encebollado...delicous Manabi soup that I eat at least three times per week. :)

Victoria with the lovely encebollado chef who has a little stand near the park in my town.
The kids in the daycare center loved Victoria too. The doll was a great way to create a dialouge within the community.
Victoria even has a facebook page! Become her facebook friend. Just look up Victoria del Vih and see more picutres of her travels.
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