One of my Peace Corps bosses, Angelica, came to visit me last week to discuss site development....planning projects and making arrangements for the volunteer that will be REPLACING me after my service. Great news for my communities but this visit made me realize how little time I have left here....less than 3 months.
The best form of transportation to get to know my site....hello Angelica
We even convinced Cecilia to take a ride in the canoe, which she says she hasn't done in over 20 years. Cecilia almost had a heart attack when our young canoe driver almost tipped the canoe. I told her we would just swim back, and she laughingly said she would sink. haha I think swimming lessons are in order.
Saying that I'm REALLY gonna miss my friends here is an understatement. I want to let myself be excited for my return home but it's hard when I know I have some heart wrenching goodbyes. This place has made such an impression on me....I know I will make it back though.
I am genuinely looking forward to seeing all my dear friends and family back home. Most likely if you are reading this....I cant wait to see you! However, the transition is gonna be tough. I have a feeling I'm going to be a water works.
Hope you are all doing well! Sending my love <3
Hello from San Diego!
Over a year ago, I started the application process for the Peace Corps. The timing was not yet right but I am starting to feel the "itchy feet" again. May I ask how you were assigned to Ecuador and what is the current need there ? I am studying in environmental policy with an emphasis on renewable energy. What I would enjoy is the hands on experience. Thank You and I will continue to explore your blog.
Hi Love...You will be fine!! I cannot wait for you to come home and i'll go back with you in a year or so. (when i can no longer remember the bugs and humidity :))
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