Recent medical brigade in one of my far away communities....lots of teeth pulling, eye exams and deparisiting kids.
(Disclaimer: my English and spelling are failing me lately...I've been known to make-up please excuse the nonsense :) )

This is the hardest station to help at.....usually everyone walks away with a couple of less teeth.

My awesome Christmas present from my family has allowed me to become a novice film maker. I've been working on several environmental health projects and decided to petition to the mayor for his help through video.
My friend Sarah and I are also making a Happy Heart video to promote the 6 month heart disease prevention program across Ecuador. Hopefully other PC volunteers will take interest and implement the project in their own towns and reduce the high number of cases of one of the biggest health problems in Ecuador right now.

Earth day we launched a trash project that will hopefully get a trash collector to travel to my far away communites and keep people from throwing their trash in the river, which just makes me cringe. We are also making trash bins and placing them in key places in the communities while giving workshops on how to seperate trash and make compost piles.
In my English class, we made flower candle holders out of old plastic bottles and painted the other half of the bottle to make planters.
Although Ecuadorians carbon footprint is significantly less than most Americas, this GREEN campaign will hopefully help community members to value their land and have VIVIENDAS SALUDABLES.

We are finally at the tail end of rainy season=super muddy, busses getting stuck, bugs, bugs and more BUGS....but on a more positive note, rainy season also means hikes to GORGEOUS waterfalls.
Delia and I at one of the many waterfalls in my site.

haha, and then I rode off into the hilltops