4th of July...this year celebrated in the good ol' US of A. After a long trip back to the United States, including a few detours, I was so happy to arrive in Colorado for the big "Dia de Independencia."
There's nothing like it when, you pass through customs into the U.S., and the officer says "Welcome home."
My mom, dad, sister and I celebrated the 4th at the Rockies game, which couldn't have been better. Hotdogs, baseball, good Colorado beer and extraordinary fireworks....
I couldn't believe how teary eyed I got as I sang the national anthem and looked around the stadium at the hundreds of other people sounding out the words of our great freedom and oppotunties as Americans. I couldn't help but fight off the tears. (hey, it was my first day back) It felt so good to be home.
Feeling very patriotic by this point
My incredible family....I'm a lucky girl!
Isn't my sister adorable
The hundreds of people that got to lay out on the field for the fireworks show
So much good quality sister time spent on my trip....I couldn't be more thankful for such a fabulous sister
Awesome show!
After the fireworks, I got to meet up with a group of my close friends for a night on the town. It was such a good first day back and an unforgettable 4th of July!
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