It was good to be able to get together with so many people while I was in town. Thank you to everyone! Ariana, I'm wishing we would have taken a picture together eating our crepes! And Laura von, we need to a second round of Loaded Questions!
Out for drinks with Bidwell and Amanda J. (They teased me for taking this picture but now I have it up in my apartment)
Sarah was in town! We went to Amanda's soccer game to cheer her on with the rest of the big crowd . We went prepared with snacks and all. haha Chips and salsa anyone??
The "Big Gig" concert
We danced all day and all night
Side (Sad) note: One of my cats died while I was gone. Kisca was crossing the road and a car got her. :( I was very sad to hear the news.
I still have Anali though, and I love the bagibas out of her.