Friday, January 16th I turned 24-years-old. It wasn't until I had to blow out the candles on my cake (which were really matches because we did not have any candles) that I realized how many years have gone by since I graduated high school and became an "adult." I left Grandview High School in 2003 and was off to figure out my future and discover the world. Now 2009, living in a different country, I am still working on discovering the mysteries of life but I am realizing just how important is is to show kindness to all and to be true to yourself. PC has been a very humbling experience.

On Friday, my PC friends that live in Manabi with me took me out to dinner and dancing to celebrate my big day. Thanks to Kristen, everyone knew it was my birthday because she gave me a sparkly crown that I had to sport around the enitre night. It dressed up my outfit. Thanks friend. ;)

Saturday afternoon, my friends from my community helped me celebrate my bday. These girls are the culprits of the future cake fight. (don't let their innocent faces fool you)

My friend Jennifer personalized my cake for me with my Spanish name Talia

It is tradition to make the birthday girl take a bite of her cake before serving it to everyone. Of course, with the person's face that close to the cake, it is just too tempting not to push their face into the creamy frosted dessert. This initiated a frosting fight and before I knew it everyone was flinging cake everywhere. No one escaped the party with out leaving with chunks of white frosting in their hair.

Saturday night, my host family also made me a special birthday dinner. For dessert, we got Jello in fancy glasses and an ice cream cake! Because it is the rainy season and there are lots of bugs, we ate by candlelight.

The second time around that I was encouraged to take a bite of the cake, I was more cautious about who was behind me. I thought I had it all under control, when someone's hand (my Aunt Monce's) quickly slipped behind my head and tipped my face into the frozen cake. Instead of icing, this time I had ice cream dripping down my face. It's one of those situations that you just have to laugh about because there is no fighting the tradition.
All in all, my birthday was a day to remember and to reflect. Thanks to everyone who sent me endearing emails, letters and care packages! Even from miles away, you know how to make someone feel loved. Thank you!
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