My host brother, Jose Abel with our giant lime that was growing on the tree in front of our house for about 1 year

The delicous lime, which was growing more limes inside

One of the medical brigades that I helped out with in a small rurual community. At first they wanted me to give the vaccinations to the kids, but I had to explain that I am a health promoter, not a certified nurse/doctor....even though sometimes they insist on calling me Doctor Alea.

This dentist performed many teeth extractions this day...lots of blood and little an anesthetics

The doctors and nurses from the health chenter in my community

I have fallen in love with all the kids here

"Saltamontes" I still am amazed by some of the bugs here. This grasshopper is the same size of a bird and was flying around in my house as I was running in the other direction.

I named this grasshopper Jennifer in honor of my friend who works in the mayor's office (She is sitting next to me as I write this caption and understands a little bit of English)

Cecilia (my host mom), Me, Jose Abel (host brother) and Monce (host aunt)
I really lucked out with such a great host family!
Glad to see you're settling in nicely "Doctor Alea."
How old is your host brother? He looks roughly the same age as Alex, the French boy I nannied, who was eight.
Jennifer the grasshopper looks like she could have appeared in Pans Labyrinth along with the other Buick sized insects. You have become so much braver.
That bug is so creepy!
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