A small group of us volunteers traveled to Otavalo to shop at one of the largest markets in South America. An abundance of colors, textiles, scarfs, purses, jewelry and gringos filled the market. (Otavalo is fairly touristy but it still took me by surprise to see so many gringos). I was excited to do some bargain shopping, and I definitely found some good buys! The electricitywas out for miles in Ecuador all day on Saturday, including Otavalo. Due to the electricity shortage, we had a candlelight lunch at a highly recommended chicken restaurant.
(Bottom left photo: Sonya, Me, Erin and Rebecca).
Sunday, we spent the day at the hot springs in Oyacachi!
Nine of us crammed into the front and back of a camioneta (truck taxi). It was a long and bumpy ride winding down the hills of the sierra and into the jungle climate. 30 minutes into the trip, it started to rain…everyone in the back of the truck got drenched. When we eventually made it to Oyacachi, everyone looked cold and miserable. We tried to stay positive and admired the beautiful jungle atmosphere. We hesitantly stripped down into our swimsuits in the cold and foggy weather and then bee-lined it to the hot water. Being the only gringos at the park, we were quite the spectacle. It turns out the pools were AWESOME! (completely worth the long ride) The water was steaming hot and so relaxing. (Just what we needed because we were all a little up tight/ on edge about receiving our site assignments within a couple of days.)The hot springs made for one of the most relaxing and loveliest days here in Ecuador.
By the way, Ecuadorian swimsuits are glorious…wild color combinations and over-sized ruffles. ( I’ve got to get me one!)
Later, I had to go and pick out live “trucha” (trout) to bring

back to my host family for dinner.
I chose five good sized trout and watched as the indigenous

woman bare handedly killed them and handed
them over to me in a bag…she was hardcore.
Me and my trout!
It was a pretty chilly ride back to our community but luckily no rain. The sun eventually came out and to top off our wonderful day, the fog cleared and exposed the magnificent snowcapped volcano of Cayambe, which was also accompanied by a giant rainbow stretched across the sky. 
What a perfect day in Ecuador!
Front row: Erin, Rebecca, Casey, Sam, Me, Darci
Back row: Jake, Chris and William
Blanca and Sierra are our two cows! 

What a perfect day in Ecuador!

Back row: Jake, Chris and William

Sam and I made brownies for our families…we had to do some trial and error but they turned out to be very tasty!
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