Saturday, February 28, 2009

Dear friends from the States come to visit

My good friend from childhood, Ariana, and her lovely husband Matt came out to Ecuador for 10 days. Their journey started in Quito where they did lots of site seeing and stood on the Mitad del Mundo. They took a day trip to the outdoor market in Otavalo to snag some Christmas presents (for next year...boy they are good at thinking ahead), and then hoped on a plane to meet me in Portoviejo. In a week, we saw the Pacific Ocean, participated in the nation-wide water fight, went on a country-side tour (in the back of a pick-up truck), hiked through the rainforest and played with iguanas…adventure from beginning to end.

My apartment turned into a big slumber party with Matt, Ariana and my friend Irena, from World Teach, all staying at my apartment. Thanks to Matt and Ari, I have a new air mattress!! Now I can have more visitors! (I now have two beds and the air mattress… apartment is coming along and ready to house more people. hint, hint.)

Now on to the photos of Ariana and Matt's visit...Ariana and I after we cleaned up from walking around San Clemente beach and having water, colored foam and other mysterious liquids thrown on us for the Carnival fiestas. For three days straight, people throw all sorts of water, mud, jello, etc on each other to celebrate Carnival.

The beach was packed from one side to the other with Ecuadorians, and we could barely find an open space to plant ourselves for the day.

Carnival: Crowds of people rode in the back of trucks loaded with ammo to toss at other passing cars.

Kids here live to participate in the Carnival celebrations. For three days straight, it is completely acceptable for them to throw whatever type of liquid they want at whatever person they choose without getting in trouble…a small child’s dream come true!

Although the tradition seemed a little odd to me, the kid inside me couldn’t help but pick-up a bucket and join in. My host brother had set-up his post early in the morning to start chucking water at all the cars that passed by our house. Ariana and I decided to offer him some more hands.

Still in my pajamas, I stood ready with a hose to drench any oncoming cars. I could tell Ariana was a little nervous, but after we had successfully soaked several people riding in the back of a truck (who were also throwing water at us), we both realized what a blast (and what a release) it was! All morning, we gave all the city folk who were coming out to the countryside (to spend the day at the river) a proper Carnival greeting. (hey, at least it was clean water).

Chillin’ on the patio drinking coconut juice after our water shenanigans

My host aunt wanted to “pasear” to show her co-workers some of the countryside, and I figured it was a perfect opportunity to give Ari and Matt a tour of my town. We hoped into the back of the truck to tag-a-long for the ride. What I thought would be a quick 15 min. trip to the center of town, ended up being a 3 hour ride up to the top of the mountain where people like to swim in the river. We were four-wheeling through the dirt roads, climbing hills and bouncing around in the back of the truck. We were laughing and having a good time but had no idea what we had committed ourselves to.

We found a donkey near the river and couldn’t leave without a photo with the sweet donkey.

Our spontaneous trip up to the scenic river site.

Us at the river. It was nice to show Ari and Matt the other communities that I work in, but we were not prepared to sit in the back of the truck for so long under the hot sun. We arrived back at the house several hours later, exhausted and a little pinker than we had started but you just can’t pass up opportunities like that to venture up to the beautiful countryside.My community youth group was excited to have visitors and wanted to give my friends a tour of Emaus but off the beaten trail. We packed lunches, water and swimsuits and headed into the jungle. Human pyramid at the waterfalls. See below for the video

I started teaching English class with my friend from World Teach. We teach every week to all the

Thank you Ariana and Matt for taking time to come out and spend an exciting week with me! I know that the campo life is an adjustment, and I appreciate you guys being up for all the random escapades. Un million de gracias for bringing me treats from the U.S. and for your generosity while you were here! I can’t say thank you enough….my house is always open to you for when you are ready for more good story moments!

Missing In Action No Longer :)

As the Ecuadorians would say, “hace los aƱos que no te veo.” (It has been years since I last saw you.) Time has gotten away from me, and I can’t believe February has already come and gone. I have been staying quite busy since I last posted. (my birthday. Ahhh!)
So, I will do my best to catch you up to speed without writing a novel.

My host brother, Joselo, graduated grade school

Me, Joselo and his cousin Jennifer. (I could barely get him to stand next to me in a picture. It is a love hate relationship…hence, lots of patience required.) My host mom/counterpart, Cecilia, and I in Quito for Reconnect, a Peace Corps conference on developing projects.
It was Cecilia’s first time to Quito, and we had to do some scrambling before we left to find her some warm clothes to wear to bear the cold sierra weather. So, sporting a pair of my black shoes (she didn’t own any closed toe shoes), my counterpart and I took the 9 hour journey together to get to Quito where we met up with all my Peace Corps friends and their counterparts.
After the workshops for our counterparts were finished, they headed back to their sites and then my friends and I spent the rest of the week catching up, going out and speaking English!

After Reconnect, I went with my friend Chris to spend time with Sam in her site, Pacto. She lives in a cute little town that is similar in climate to my site. Good tranquilo time. My favorite part was our hike to the waterfalls. I’m looking forward to going back!

Random tree swing that reached out over a big crevasse with the river roaring below.

We headed to Ibarra for a Superbowl party. We made a seven layer dip and ate pizza trying to make the party feel as American as possible despite the fact that the game was in Spanish…(castigo! vs. penalty) Youth group conference at Crucita beach.

We are currently working on the theme sexuality, which is a very under addressed topic in my site. I help teach the workshops, and then I go to the youth group meetings to reinforce the info. that the youth promoters are teaching to their group.

Blowfish that we found out on the beach

Self-esteem activity with the Tamarindo youth group

More updates to come....